Junk Removal in Boston MA

Got Junk? We Remove it!!

If you got junk at your home or office building and want to get rid of it, you need a team on whom you can trust and make sure it will perform a job without delays and with honesty.

With Joshua Recycling services, you don't have to worry because we always do our clean ups, junk removal, demolitions or trash removal well the first time all the time. We take care of any trash removal, appliance disposal fast and efficiently and at the most affordable price.

If you need reliable and at the same time affordable garbage removal and junk hauling, look no further, Joshua Recycling is a local Recycling company located right in Boston MA.

We are a family-owned business serving cites like Newton, Allston, Brookline, Everett, Malden, Quincy, Saugus, Cambridge, Lexington and any area around Metro Boston MA. We serve residential and commercial customers throughout MA. We are fully insured.

Call Joshua Recycling to schedule a junk or trash removal, Demolition or clean out.

Call us at 617-312-6315 or

Fax: 617-569-6101

email info@joshuarecycling.com

To get a junk removal estimate!

  • Bobcat service
  • We can now take care of your demolitions

We offer year round contracts with small to large companies like HOME DEPOTS, DEPARTMENT STORES, HOSPITALS and others to recycle junk material or medical equipment and more!

bobcat services